Filter017創作團隊自2004年成立自今,不知不覺中已渡過了七個年頭,而同名品牌延伸發展也即將屆滿2年,首先還是不免俗套的先謝過各位支持我 們的朋友,一路以來相知相隨,我們也始終抱持著虛心的態度,砥礪自己不斷努力前進,以不辜負自已及所有關注朋友們的期待,也正因如此,為了創作生涯及品牌 發展,在2011年Filter017將頂著更大的風浪,試圖做更多的突破與改變。
Filter017 creative group was since 2004.It's 7th years ago in unconsciously. And our brand was 2 years ago. We are very thanks for every friends that keeping supports us. We usually have a modest of attitude and keep walking because every friends's wish. For the brand and creative live. Filter017 will do more change in 2011.
也許是所謂的 “七年之癢”吧!(笑),不久前才發佈Filter017的全名由原來的“Graphic Design” 正式更名為“CREALIVE”, 在網站視覺上則同步在今年做了全面的更新,創作以及產品應用也逐漸多元多角化,頻頻動作都象徵著團隊往更遼闊的發展期望邁進。除上述之外,我們還有一個相 當重要的消息要在此分享,Filter017的工作室及團隊,都即將由原來的台北遷移至台中生根,往後也將以台中做為發展的根據,繼續朝下一個階段的目標 邁進。
Maybe is "The Seven Year Itch". We publish news for change name from "Graphic Design" to "CREALIVE" not long ago. And update our new offical website.Make more different type of works. except those things. We have a important news to share with you that Filter017 studio and group will moving from Taipei to Taichung. Taichung will be our base and keep walking to next step.
全新里程的Filter017 除了將工作室及團隊遷移至台中外,為了落實與貫徹團隊對於創作及產品上所希望推廣的概念,同時再次宣示對此路線發展的決心,很高興於工作室同址處,設立第一家以 “Filter017 CREALIVE”為名的概念商店。
Whole new Filter017 except moving studio and group to Taichung. We also have a new concept shop open with our studio.It's for our brand and resolution.
雖然店鋪以空間來說相當迷你,但抱著麻雀雖小五臟俱全的期盼,我們將此概念店鋪設定為 “SHOW ROOM”或是 “WORK SHOP”,除了販售展示Filter017所設計的產品和作品之外,更重要的是希望能夠藉此更深入、完整的表達、呈現團隊及品牌所要傳達的生活精神,分 享更多Filter017所熱愛的創作與生活元素。
Even it's just a small shop.But we have much hope and idea for it. The shop is setting of "show room" or "work shop".We hope it's not only sale our products.More important thing is hope it can show our live spirit deeply and complete of our brand.Share more live and creative elements of Filter017 favorite.
未來,在商品販售的部分,除了Filter017自家產品外,也將會與各位分享其他我們所喜好、推薦的好東西、好品牌,另一方面在推廣創作的部分,除了分 享我們自己的創作,也希望這個小空間能夠利用發揮到極致,藉此介紹與分享其他各面向領域的創作人與作品,給喜好設計和藝術的同好們!
In the future, part of products sale will have Filter017 brand and other brands that we love.Another part of creative publish we'll use this space and share more works for friends that love design and art.
這是一家小店,但對於Filter017來說卻是件大事,也相對有著重大的意義,讓我們相當期待與興奮,目前工作室與概念店鋪都已正在積極進行裝修動作, 相信再過不久就能與大家見面!但請原諒我們,在空間和視覺設計上,我們並沒有以特殊或是華麗、有個性的風格來呈現,仍舊希望將重點放在我們設計的產品以及 創作上,不會有任何的壓迫感,能夠一目了然的去感受,正如同我們的網頁視覺和架構,選擇以最簡約、舒適的方式去表達。
It's a small shop but big thing and important mean of Filter017.It's very excited and expect for us. now new studio and shop was decorating and comming soon.But please forget us with no special or gorgeous in our shop. Please focus of our design and creative.Our shop just like our website,Simply but comfort.
Here are some photos share with you that our decorating. About the moving to Taichung will keeping update with every concern friends,
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