親愛的朋友們,即日起 Filter017 CREALIVE 全新官方網站正式上線了!就從這個全新的名字開始說起吧!或許有不少朋友們已經發現,近期Filter017的全名已由原來的“Graphic Design”更改為“CREALIVE”,這是因為Filter017創作團隊以及品牌經營至今,無論在基礎型態以及發展層面上也似乎不再只是單純的平面設計以及圖像運用了!未來也將逐漸朝向更廣泛的方向前進,並且不斷的擴展至各種不同領域的產品及合作上。
Dear friends, The all new Filter017 Offical Website is online now! It's all begin of the new name - Filter017 CREALIVE! Many friends was find our new name that change from "Graphic Design" to "CREALIVE". It's because of Filter017 group and brand run to this time, Even the basic style or development was not only simple graphic design! Our future is go more ways and keeping extension to different products and crossover.
因此,在現況以及將來發展目標和定位上的考量,名稱的定義上也勢必在此時重新思考,向更廣意的方向去定義!為能夠更加符合我們想要表達的品牌精神,於是我們決定使用 “CREALIVE”這個字來取代原有的Graphic Design,正式更名為 “Filter017 CREALIVE”!
So, in now or the future thinking about our brand's target.We need to have a new thinking to the wide level. Because we want to match sprite of our brand, We use the word- CREALIVE to replace Graphic Design, Renew the name to"Filter017 CREAIVE".
“CREALIVE”其實是個複合字,取Creative(創意)及Live(生活)兩字組合而成,它具有一種在生活之中隨時隨地都在創作的含意,同時也表達了Filter017一路以來的精神,從生活中找尋一切創作的靈感,並且貼近生活;將創意回歸於生活!也象徵著Filter017 團隊及品牌邁向了嶄新的里程碑!
"CREALIVE" actually is a word combine with Creative and Live. It's mean we creative anytime in our life. And the word show the sprite of Filter017, We find every creative inspiration in live, close neturaly live, return to live. The new name is mean Filter017's new step.
New website still invited our good partner of design - Webber of 21FLOOR. Filter017's all website was made by Webber.
We want the website have nice reading and easy to use. In design style, We hold simple and less style. It's just like a work book of Filter017. New website recorded every media interview, every crossover project, it's all in new website! it's not a website but a recorded book of Filter017.
當然線上商店,實體通路以及所有關於Filter017的任何資訊也樣樣都沒少,現在,就幫我們推廣到各大社群網站和你的好友們分享吧!往後Filter017 CREALIVE 也將會持續努力保持現今的精神與態度,用熱誠全力設計更好的作品與產品,與各位分享!
Ofcourse all information include online shop,all turely stores and every little thing of Filter017. Now, publish our new website to every social website to your good friedns! Filter017 CREALIVE will keeping our sprite and thinking. Make every design and work in passion and share to you!
Filter017 CREALIVE 官方網站: www.filter017.com
Filter017 CREALIVE Offical Website: www.filter017.com
Filter017 CREALIVE 新版官方網站正式上線
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