座落於台中市三民路三段201巷(一中中友商圈)的Filter017 CREALIVE Shop,正式開幕茶會於日前7月16日順利圓滿落幕,而Filter017首次完整作品回顧展也順利的展開序幕。
Filter017 CREALIVE Shop at No.10, Ln. 201, Sec. 3, Sanmin Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Grand opening complate on July 16th.It's first Filter017's retrospective exhibotion start.
非常感謝這次各界朋友遠道而來的祝賀與參與!使當天現場人流量能夠突破百人以上的盛況,同時也相當感謝許多與Filter017一起成長的消費者和支持者以實際行動一路相隨,謝謝你們不斷的鼓勵,讓我們擁有至今堅持不斷的原動力。 從2004年開始直至今天,無論於創作或是獨立設計品牌的道路上,持續不間斷的堅持與貫徹執行真的很難,但我們始終默默的耕耘著,想著這件事情是快樂的,美好的!要是有一天能夠傳達一些精神與理念,能夠感染更多人對創作與設計的熱情,我們想就非常值得繼續! 要由夢想去堆砌成理想,還需要更多的努力與各位繼續支持,而現在我們跨出了關鍵且勇敢的一步。
We are very thank for every friends came and every best wish for us.There was over 100 peoples in that day. We keeps our persist because your support and cheer.It's really hard to do our ideal but we still happy in it. We trust our spirit will let you feel one day. But now, It's a big step in us!
藉由首間台中概念店正式開幕,舉辦了Filter017這6年多來團隊創作錦集的回顧展,這次展覽的內容包括了Filter017經典以及聯名合作的作品集選,以及國內外設計及藝術同好所致賀的聯名作品,也包含了2011年品牌年度主題”CASINO LIFE”的概念完整呈現,並且推出在開幕當天將近銷售一空的CASINO LIFE限量手工網版海報。 ”CASINO LIFE”主題主要反映的是有關於生活、人生、賭博、虛榮、金錢、慾望、暴力以及資本主義... 等等話題,Filter017希望透過圖像與經典的標語字體,將這些話題連結,以反諷、幽默以及輕鬆的方式加以詮釋,也不難發現有許多值得細細玩味的圖像演繹,並且值得在幽默與反諷的圖像下思考。
Our Grand opening and retrospective exhibotion include Filter017 six pass years classic works and crossover.ofcrouse every designer and artist in Taiwan,China and overseas do arts for us with wish.there is also include subject of 2011-Casino life and limted casino life screen print poster. All about the CASINO LIFE are living, life, gamble, vanity, money, desire, violence and the capitalist.All of we want are linkage those subject and performance of irony and humor by our classic poster and graphic.
In this series, you can finds rich of interesting design in graphics. Let's taste it slowly of irony and humor.
除了平面及立體作品的展示,會場上也猶如小型新品發表會,發表曝光了Filter017同名服飾品牌中多款未上市的單品樣本,並且藉由”獨立設計品牌精神”聯合展出的方式,透露不久將與藝人”夏如芝”主理的獨立服飾品牌”NEPHESH”,以及由同為”201 CREW”的友好店鋪SEVENCLUB主導的概念品牌”HBZ”將有密切的合作發展。
Except every arts exhibotion. Our show room also have Filter017 new stuff that never publish. Because Independent design spirit. there will a cross over with NEPHESH by Cherry Hsia and HBZ by sevenclub.
特別感謝藝人夏如芝、流行文化媒體Milk、acanned、OVERDOPE、URBAN WEBZINE,以及潮流、設計相關品牌單位的夥伴們undergarden、Bilbo、massWork、Omoi、Nephesh、Sevenclub、HBZ、Gream、MANIA、Match Cafe、21Floor、PSTATION、Nod Yang、Alley 3 Cafe...等等,幕前幕後支持參與和支援。
Special thanks Cherry Hsia,Milk,acanned,OVERDOPE,URBAN WEBZINE,undergarden、Bilbo、massWork、Omoi、Nephesh、Sevenclub、HBZ、Gream、MANIA、Match Cafe、21Floor、PSTATION、Nod Yang and Alley 3 Cafe give us every supports.
“Filter017 CREALIVE作品回顧展”展期會持續至8月31日止,而展覽期間店內也推出滿額優惠活動回饋所有消費者朋友,開幕當天不克前來的朋友們,歡迎在這段期間來訪參觀!
Filter017's retrospective exhibotion is during 16th Jul to 31th Aug. In our shop also have Opening discound activity. Welcome visit us!
Filter017 CREALIVE Shop
店址:40445 台中市北區三民路三段201巷10號
Add:No.10, Ln. 201, Sec. 3, Sanmin Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:+886 4 22258131
HBZ 官方網站:http://www.hbz-clothing.com/
SEVENCLUB 官方網站:http://www.sevenclubshop.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/SEVENCLUB-concept-shop/126456400719962
Filter017 CREALIVE 台中概念店開幕紀實-實況篇
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